External Service Integrations
The documents here describe integrations between http://va.gov services and any services that are not directly managed by the http://va.gov team. This includes both services within the VA and services managed by external third parties.
Each document should contain a general description of how the service is integrated with http://va.gov , environment specific details, and contact information for incident management purposes. When applicable, links to the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) and Interconnection Security Agreement (ISA) should be provided. This information should be catered to the team that assists with the maintenance and operation of the integration, though may additionally be referenced by application developers.
You can start by cloning the template as a starting point for the description.
Application - External Service Mapping
Note: eMIS is being deprecated in favor of VaProfile in Q1 (October) 2023
Application/Component | Relevant External Services |
Healthcare Application | ES - Enrollment Service (dep: SSOi) VIERS, MPI, VaProfile, EMIS, EVSS, VA Profile |
Appeals Status, Claims Status | Appeals/Caseflow, EVSS |
Letters/Claims Status | Benefits Gateway Service (BGS), EVSS |
Preneeds | (EOAS) Eligibility Office Automation System |
Login/Profile | ID.me VA Profile EVSS VaProfile |
Secure Messaging | MHV - My HealtheVet |
Prescription Refill | MHV - My HealtheVet |
Disability Claims and Appeals | EVSS - Enterprise Veterans Self-Service Portal Platform VIERS VBMS |
Education Benefit Claims | VONAPP - Veterans Online Application VIERS |
Facility Locator | |
EWIS | EWIS - Enterprise Web Infrastructure Services |
Drupal CMS | SSOi: VA IAM Single Sign-On Internal |
Prescription Refill | MHV |
Health Records | MHV |
Search | Search.gov |
Burials | VBMS |
Pensions | VBMS |
Dependent Applications | EVSS |
MPI, Mulesoft | |
VAOS | VA Mobile Framework (VAMF): vaos service, mobile facility service, mobile cce service, user service. Lighthouse (LHS): Facilities api, Community care eligibility api. PPMS, MPI |
Debts | DMC, BGS |
Debt Letters | VBMS, BGS |
Financial Status Report | BGS, DMC |
Medical Copays | MPI, VBS |
Prefill | VA Profile |
Glossary of Terms
MOU | Memorandum of Understanding |
ISA | Interconnection Security Agreement |
ISO | Information Security Officer |
PO | Privacy Officer |
SO | System Owner |
External Service Integrations:
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