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Education Benefits

Veteran Online Application

My Education Benefits is used to apply for education benefits. It completes form 22-1990 to allow a user to obtain a Certificate of Eligibility (CoE). These forms are completed and saved in the Database before being written by the create_daily_spool_files task and sent via SFTP to the TIMS system. Education Form processings logs can be found in the #vsa-education-logs slack channel.

Integration Endpoints

The API utilizes Education Benefits to confirm education forms being processes without any errors.

Education Benefits

  • Type: SFTP

  • Endpoint: ENV['EDU_SFTP_HOST'] port 22

Environmental Configuration




These parameters are stored in AWS Parameter store. For example, EDU_SFTP_PASS is stored in paramaters under the key /dsva-vagov/vets-api/<env>/edu/sftp_pass

Outage Status and Maintenance Windows

Integration with this service occurs Out of Band from normal operation.

Slack Channel


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