Submitting a feature request
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Ideas Wanted
Welcome to the Feature Request Process! This portal has been created to give you a place to submit ideas for tools and process improvements.
Many of the best ideas come from users themselves, so please share suggestions to help the Platform serve you more effectively and efficiently.
Step-by-step guide
The following steps describe how to submit a feature request. Your request will be evaluated, and if accepted for future work, moved to the respective team’s backlog. Please note that not all requests will be accepted.
Step 1: Check the feature request backlog
Check the Github Project board to see if your idea has already been suggested.
If you don't see your idea in the backlog, proceed to the next step.
If you do see your idea, please contribute your thoughts by adding comments to the GitHub issue.
Step 2: Submit a feature request
Please submit your feature request using this Github issue form. In this form, you will need to clearly describe your desired feature and explain why/how the feature will improve the Platform experience for you and others who rely on the Platform to create functionality and content.
Please feel free to add any additional artifacts that will help illustrate and support your suggestion.
Step 3: Follow the status of your request on the GitHub project board
The Service Design Team will monitor the project board and reach out to candidate Platform teams to review the submitted feature request.
The appropriate Platform team will then place their label on the ticket and decide if and where to prioritize the item in their backlog. The team will communicate via GitHub with any questions. You can follow the progress of the ticket on the project board as it moves through the status columns.
Please note that new submissions are reviewed on a weekly basis and it may take some time for the feature request to get prioritized.
Help and feedback
Get help from the Platform Support Team in Slack.
Submit a feature idea to the Platform.