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Adding a new External Service Integration

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Perform the following steps to fully understand the why and how of adding a new external service integration:

Establish connectivity

From a fwdproxy instance on a given environment, try to reach the new service via whatever endpoint you have with curl. Anything over port 443 should work, but alternate ports need an ESECC request.

Forward Proxy

Once you have verified connectivity, add entries to the forward proxy deployments: ansible/deployment/config/<fwdproxy-vagov-{env}.yml> 

SSL Keys

Many backend VA services require a client SSL certificate and key for authentication. Securely generate a private key and certificate using the instructions at: Venafi: Create and download TLS certificates. (Note: Those instructions are for Platform engineers, specifically.) Add the cert as a Jinja2 template to ansible/deployment/config/fwdproxy/, and add the private key to the AWS Parameter Store with a name like /devops/certificates/<service>.key .

NOTE: Currently, we don't impose CN restrictions on the SSL certs for new External Service Integration

Security Group / ELB config

Validate that the ports assigned for the forward proxy are listed in the listener_ports variable in terraform/environments/<env>/ The port should match what is in the Forward Proxy config above.

Rails Config

Add the required host redirects in ansible/deployment/config/vets-api/ <env>-settings.local.yml.j2

Healthy Traffic

The forward proxy serves several critical functions on the Platform to ensure healthy traffic. First, it performs short-circuiting (leveraging health checks) to help protect external services from getting overloaded if they become unhealthy. Second, it handles mTLS connections (see SSL Keys) that would otherwise need to be managed by the applications, requiring each application to redeploy any time a certificate rotates.

Centralized Service Definition

Having a central location to define all external services prevents tracking each application and its external connections (a many-to-many relationship), which prevents deploying many applications in the event of an external service definition change.



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