DS Logon
Last Updated:
This page will help you better understand DS Logon by covering everything from Integration endpoints to Escalation procedures.
DS Logon is a Credential Service Provider (CSP) hosted in the Defense Manpower Data Center (DMDC).
This sign-in option will be available for VA.gov applications until September 30, 2025.
Integration endpoints
VA.gov doesn't connect directly to DS Logon. Instead, we redirect to electronic authorization (eauth) and then ID.me. ID.me then redirects to DS Logon. DS Logon then redirects back to ID.me, then to eauth, which then takes you back to VA.gov .
The following dashboards are available for monitoring DS Logon performance:
Monitor in Datadog (requires Datadog access)
Outage status and maintenance windows
Any time Pager Duty has a status other than "active" for DS Logon, a downtime notification will be displayed on the VA.gov sign-in modal and sign-in page. We also maintain a #va-identity-alerts channel which you can use to review any current known issues. The Identity Platform team will update the teams in #identity-support when service is restored.
For planned maintenance, we display a banner on the VA.gov sign-in modal and sign-in page.
DS Logon outages are frequent.
For outages lasting less than 30 minutes - No action is necessary.
For longer outages - The Identity Platform team follows the escalation procedure outlined below for DS Logon technical partners.
Service level agreement
The Identity Platform team will communicate any CSP-related service interruptions to VA.gov application teams as promptly as possible.
Additionally, the VA.gov status page lists all systems’ operational statuses, including Credential Service Providers (CSPs).
Escalation procedure
The Identity Platform team monitors system performance and inbound communications 24x7 via Pager Duty and responds within 30 minutes to any alerts.
Reach out to us on #identity-support Monday - Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. ET.
If you need assistance with an urgent request during weekends, holidays, or outside of regular business hours, email: component--identity-authentication-email.sy4b6pv6@dsva.pagerduty.com.
If you see an alert for ID.me authentication at the same time as a DS Logon alert:
Focus on ID.me and eauth. DS Logon authentication depends on ID.me and eauth.
DS Logon technical partner outage escalation procedure
DS Logon (DSL) technical partners (not users) follow this process to report all production outages. This includes any requests for reports, non-production environment outages, test accounts, etc.
Partner suspects a DSL outage after internally investigating if the outage is not their system.
Partner calls the DMDC Contact Center at 1-800-538-9522. On the "Main Menu", say "Agent."
Tell DMDC CSR that you are a DSL partner from "Site ID #000012" with information regarding the issue or error. The CSR will create a ticket number and the partner will hang up.
DMDC Contact Center will internally investigate and start a System Recovery Team (SRT), if needed. If SRT is needed, DMDC Contact Center opens an incident ticket.
DMDC Contact Center notifies the DSL team who will call into the SRT to be briefed by the incident manager.
DSL team will send out a notification email regarding the outage. Outage notification will contain any known information that can be communicated to partners within 30 mins after briefing to include incident information and resolution timeline, if known.
DSL team will send update emails regarding outages that extend past 2 hours with the current known information, possible resolution timeline, and any additional updates available.
DSL will send a resolution email regarding the outage on the information that can be communicated out to the partners.
DMDC Contact Center will close the incident ticket.
If there are extensive hold times at the DMDC Contact Center:
Email the DSL team directly regarding production outages as a last resort. All status updates will be sent via email to all partners at the scheduled times.
Reference details
Site ID: DMDC 000012
DMDC Contact Center phone number: 1-800-538-9522. When you hear "Main Menu", say "Agent".
Email address: dodhra.dodc-mb.dmdc.list.ds-logon-issue@mail.mil
The DS Logon integration with VA.gov is owned by the Identity Platform team. For assistance, reach out via the #identity-support Slack channel.
DSL contact: You’ll find direct DSL contact information here.
Help and feedback
Get help from the Platform Support Team in Slack.
Submit a feature idea to the Platform.