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Last Updated: January 9, 2025

The website serves as the single place Veterans can go to find, apply for, track, and manage the benefits they've earned. The Platform is the common infrastructure, technical and non-technical components, and processes that support the static and interactive content consumed by Veterans via

Major pieces of the Platform include a set of APIs that manage communication between a Veteran user and internal VA resources, an identity and authentication system, the Design System, reusable frontend components, a Drupal-based content management system, and an extensive set of documentation and guides.

The Platform is here to help the Department of Veterans Affairs build great Veteran-facing digital products and services by:

  • Maintaining the infrastructure to keep up and running.

  • Making sure that apps developed on are up to our standards.

  • Providing tools and support to VFS teams so that they develop stable, scalable apps quickly and securely.


What is the Platform team?

The Platform team gives you the tools, systems, and guidance you need to build online experiences on that will improve Veterans' lives. As you develop your product, we’ll be your support team helping you through the ecosystem, best practices, and processes, including the iterative cycle of ideation and strategy, user testing, launching code, and measuring results.

What is a VFS team?

Veteran-facing Services (VFS) teams are defined as all Veteran-facing teams developing products using the Platform.

Working in the open

We work in the open and strive to keep as much of our code and other work product in publicly accessible open source repositories. You will have access to our open-source (i.e. public) GitHub repository for tracking work and documentation. Here are some ground rules to make sure you know what not to do when working in a public repo.

What to expect as you design, build, launch, iterate

Here are materials you should start familiarizing yourself with to help you learn how to create online experiences the way, and how to work with the Platform as you go.


Document what you're building, what problem it's solving, what outcomes you hope it achieves, and how you'll measure success. And track the work necessary to actually deliver the solution.


Learn how we do research for VA digital services.


Create and test visual artifacts that define the features of the solution and that help engineers build out the solution in code.


Create content as a part of every online experience - whether it's button labels or full pages of static introductory copy.

Information architecture

Determine the most intuitive place for Veterans to access your application, the appropriate URL, placement in navigation, and the cross-linking strategy.


In tiny iterative chunks and with robust testing, bring the solution to life through code.


Test incrementally to make sure your solutions work for everyone. Accessibility should be part of every step of your product’s lifecycle.

Analytics and insights

Incorporate analytics into your code so that you can track the health of your solution over time and understand whether it's achieving the outcomes you hoped it would.

Here's how to set KPIs to track the success of your solutions.

The Platform team is here to help you as you set up KPIs and integrate analytics in your code. Reach out to #vfs-platform-support in Slack to schedule a 1:1 with us so we can help, and to schedule an Analytics review.

You'll need reviews from the Platform team to help you make sure you're on track! Here's what to expect and how to request an Analytics review.


Both manually and through automated tests, ensure your solution is doing what you want it to do.


You'll need to ensure the solution your building has the authority to operate (ATO).


Get your solution tested for potential technical security issues/vulnerabilities, focusing particularly on frontend-backend interactions, anything involving certificates or cookies, and any new interactions with dependent backends.

You'll need check-ins with the Platform team to help you make sure you're on track! Reach out to #vfs-platform-support in Slack to schedule a 1:1 with us so we can schedule a security review.


Get your solution tested to look for potential user data issues, including affirming best practices around handling personally identifiable information.

You'll need check-ins with the Platform team to help you make sure you're on track! Reach out to #vfs-platform-support in Slack to schedule a 1:1 with us so we can schedule a privacy review.

Production readiness/infrastructure

Get your technical architecture tested to look for potential scaling concerns, dependency analysis, and SLO assessment.

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