Assistive technology
Last Updated: October 2, 2024
Conducting research with participants who use assistive technology (AT) is important, but new for many. Use the process outlined in the research checklist and the following considerations to help prepare for research sessions with participants who use AT.
1. Planning for research with AT
Plan your study
Partner with an accessibility specialist
You can request an Accessibility Specialist during the Collaboration Cycle Design Intent checkpoint. They can help you write and review your research plan and conversation guide before submitting your study for a formal research review.
Prepare your prototype
Learn more about testing your prototype with AT users.
Conduct a separate study
Consider conducting a separate study just for AT users. This helps the moderator and team focus on the unique needs of conducting this research.
Write your research plan
Recruitment criteria
When defining who to recruit, strive for a balanced mix of perspectives.
Recruit beginners and advanced AT users during recruitment as their needs and behavior may differ significantly.
Recruit users with congenital (from birth) and acquired disabilities.
Group similar AT users in cohorts
Grouping your sessions into cohorts makes it easier for recruiting and for the moderator and Accessibility Specialists to plan and conduct. Here's an example of how to note schedule and availability.
Plan for more time per session
Plan for 2x the time you'd usually need. We recommend 2 hours for most studies. There may be technical difficulties, the need for breaks, or unexpected situations during the study. Beginner AT users will also need more time to complete tasks. Here's an example of how to note session length.
Write assistive technology-specific screener questions
When planning your conversation guide, it can be a good idea to set up the screen sharing first after a few qualifying questions. This way, if you can't get the screen sharing working, you can choose to pivot the session. You could reschedule, cancel or pivot the session to suit your needs.
Confirm the participant's technology ahead of the session. You'll want to know the following:
The specific combination of AT and devices they are using. For example, "VoiceOver on desktop with magnification tools" or "TalkBack on Samsung Galaxy 8" is better than just "Screen Reader."
If they have a screen (they may not be able to screen share if there is no screen to share).
Request a kick-off call with Perigean
You can use this time to ensure they are clear on the type of assistive technology users you need.
2. Research review
At least ten days before research begins
Follow the research review process in the research checklist.
3. Participant recruitment
At least seven days before research begins
Kick-off call with Perigean
Use this time to ensure that everyone is clear on the type of assistive technology users you would like to recruit.
4. Run an AT pilot test
Anytime before your first research session
Schedule a pilot test with an accessibility specialist
Schedule the pilot before the study to practice and gain familiarity with the anticipated AT. This is also a great time to get engineers and others on your team involved.
5. Conduct AT sessions
As Perigean schedules sessions
Before research sessions
Reserve an observer spot for your accessibility specialist
Make sure you have the assistance you need to help participants by reserving 1-2 observer spots for your accessibility specialist and other technical support.
Get prepared
During research sessions
Take separate notes about the assistive tech experience along with general notes
For these sessions, it's helpful to have someone take notes on everything related to using the AT.
Introduce the accessibility specialist
Make your participant feel comfortable and let them know we have someone on the call to assist if needed.
Give participants a choice
Both before and during the session, give the participants a choice on the following topics:
Private (no observers) vs. open (maximum of 3 observers) studies
Video on vs. video off
Recording vs. no recording
How they prefer to receive links if you're planning on sending links during the study
Closed captions (CC) on or off; if the user does not have a preference, turn them on by default unless the participant uses a screen reader
For sessions with screen reader users
Screen reader users do not navigate the same way sighted users do. Typically, they navigate by keyboard using a combination of mainstream key commands and those specific to their screen reader. When working with screen reader users, refer to the screen reader checklist.
After research sessions
Debrief with your accessibility specialist
Make sure your accessibility specialist is there to help you talk through any issues that may have come up or answer questions.
6. Synthesize AT data
Conduct a separate accessibility synthesis workshop
Gather an accessibility synthesis group (in addition to the general synthesis) to focus on accessibility findings, insights, and bugs. Make sure to invite the accessibility specialists present in your research.
Document any risks and plan for future AT studies.
Work with your accessibility specialist to understand what this research will realistically (and unrealistically) cover. For example, if you only conducted research with advanced screen reader users, you may have gaps in your data around beginner screen reader users, voice technology users, and more.
7. Share your findings with colleagues
Share with the broader design practice
Please help our community of researchers out and note any lessons learned that others can learn from.
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