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Successful screener questions

Last Updated:

If you have a specific audience you want to recruit, providing the right questions to Perigean for their second screening process can help you do that. The questions below have been used by VFS teams to help Perigean successfully recruit participants for studies. Add your screener questions along with response options and qualifying answers to the Recruitment Request Form (toward the bottom of the form).

We’d like to refine this list as more evidence comes in about which questions work and do not work. Please provide feedback via this GitHub form on how well it works in your studies and tag the OCTO Research Lead so we know that new feedback has been provided.

Assistive Technology

People who use screen readers

  • Do you need to use screen reader technology to use the internet, such as VoiceOver on an iPhone, TalkBack on an Android device, or JAWS on a computer?

    Response options: yes or no (Answering yes would qualify the participant.)

  • We want to make sure our website works for people with various levels of experience with screen readers. Please rate your experience level using a screen reader:

Response options: Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced

  • Are you willing to join the Zoom session using this assistive technology?

Response options: yes or no (Answering yes would qualify the participant.)

  • Please list the name of the screen reader technology you will use during the session.

Response option: text box


People with mobile phones

  • Are you able to join the Zoom session from a smartphone such as a Samsung Galaxy or Apple iPhone? Any kind of smartphone will work as long as it connects to the internet.

Response options: yes or no (Answering yes would qualify the participant.) accounts

People with a verified account

  • We’d like you to review parts of the VA website that require you to sign in to an identity-verified account. Do you have an identify-verified account on You can check on this by logging into If you see a prompt to verify your identity once you sign in, your identity is not yet verified.

Response options: yes or no (Answering yes would qualify the participant.)


People who do get a pension from the VA

  • Do you (or the Veteran you're a caregiver for) get a pension from the VA?

Response options: yes or no (Answering yes would qualify the participant.)

People who don't get a pension from the VA

  • Do you (or the Veteran you're a caregiver for) get a pension from the VA?

Response options: yes or no (Answering no would qualify the participant.)


Active VA healthcare users

  • Have you seen a healthcare provider in a VA medical center or other VA healthcare facility in the last 12 months?

Response options: yes or no (Answering yes would qualify the participant.)

People who don’t use VA healthcare

  • Do you (or the Veteran you're a caregiver for) have VA health care?

Response options: yes or no (Answering no would qualify the participant.)

Disability benefits

People who do get VA disability compensation for a service-connected disability rating of 50% or higher

  • Do you (or the Veteran you're a caregiver for) get VA disability compensation for a service-connected disability rating of 50% or higher?

Response options: yes or no (Answering yes would qualify the participant.)

People who don't get VA disability compensation for a service-connected disability rating of 50% or higher

  • Do you (or the Veteran you're a caregiver for) get VA disability compensation for a service-connected disability rating of 50% or higher?

Response options: yes or no (Answering no would qualify the participant.)

Additional categories

Cognitive disabilities

  • Do you find it difficult to remember or learn new things, focus on a task, or make decisions? We ask this question because we want to make sure that our tools work for people who live with challenges like these.

Response options: yes or no (Answering yes would qualify the participant.)

*Limited evidence on this question - please provide feedback via this GitHub form on how well it works in your studies and tag the OCTO Research Lead.


  • Do you identify as a member of the LGBTQ+ community? We ask this question because we want to make sure the feedback we get from these sessions represents all the people we serve.

Response options: yes or no (Answering yes would qualify the participant.)

*Limited evidence on this question - please provide feedback via this GitHub form on how well it works in your studies and tag the OCTO Research Lead.

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