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Perigean recruiting process for remote moderated studies

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OCTO has a contract with Perigean Technologies to help recruit, screen, gather consent forms, and schedule research sessions with study participants, which includes Veterans, Caregivers, Transitioning Service Members, and Reservists. To start recruiting participants for your study, refer to the research checklist. This page will walk you through Perigean’s recruitment process.

Flow chart of the research recruitment process

Overview of Perigean’s research recruitment process. 

1. Database recruitment

Perigean’s database of qualified participants is available for VFS research studies. They continue to grow this panel by reaching out to the Veteran community on social media, such as in the Veteran Usability Facebook and Twitter pages, and in other Veteran-affiliated organizations.

Flow chart of the database recruitment process

Perigean’s participant database recruitment process.


Potential participants are directed to register at Feel free to share this link with Veterans, Transitioning Service members, Reservists, Family Members, and Caregivers interested in participating. 

Screenshots describing the promotion of the website. It explains, Help the VA make its digital tools more user-friendly. website promotion.

Screener Questionnaire 

Potential participants visit, where they’ll complete a quick 5-minute screener questionnaire.  As thanks for completing the questionnaire, candidates receive a $5.00 Amazon Coupon Code.

Screener questions

Name (Required) 

Email (Required) 

Phone (Required) 

Address (Required) 

Why do we ask this? 

  1. To ensure that we recruit geographically diverse participants.

  2. In case of an emergency, we can ensure that we can direct resources to the participant.

  3. Finally, to mail compensation for the session 

Rural or Urban residence 

  • Rural 

  • Urban 

Referral (Required) 

How did you hear about participating in VA User Experience Studies? 

Status (Required) 

  • Veteran 

  • Veteran's family member 

  • Veteran's caregiver 

  • Service member 


  • Woman 

  • Man 

  • Cisgender 

  • Non-binary

  • Transgender 

  • Two-spirit (Indigenous only) 

  • Prefer to self-describe 

  • Prefer not to answer 


  • American Indian or Alaska Native 

  • Asian 

  • Black or African American 

  • Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin 

  • Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander 

  • White or Caucasian 

  • Prefer to self-describe 

  • Prefer not to answer 


Assistive technologies 

Do you use assistive technologies on a daily or near-daily basis?

  • Yes 

  • No 


  • None 

  • 1st-4th grade 

  • 5th-6th grade 

  • 7th-8th grade 

  • 9th grade 

  • 10th grade 

  • 11th grade 

  • High school graduate or equivalent 

  • Some college, no college degree 

  • Associate's degree, occupational 

  • Associate's degree, academic 

  • Bachelor's degree 

  • Master's degree 

  • Professional degree 

  • Doctoral degree 


  • Air Force 

  • Army 

  • Coast Guard 

  • Marine Corps 

  • Navy 

  • Space Force 

  • Public Health Corps 

  • Other 

  • I am a caregiver/dependent 

Year joined the service

Active duty/Reserves? 

Year transitioned from service 

Deployed overseas during service? 

Serve in combat? 

Work for the VA or Veteran Service Organization? 

VA benefits? 

  • Health care benefits 

  • Education & career services; such as GI Bill 

  • Disability benefits; such as claims & appeals 

  • Housing benefits; such as adaptive housing, home loans, homelessness services Pension benefits 

  • Life insurance 

  • Memorial benefits 

  • Other 

  • I do not know 

When did you receive your first benefit? 

How did you apply for your first benefit? 

  • On my own, on paper 

  • On my own, online 

  • On my own, in person 

  • With the help of a VSO 

  • With the help of a transition service officer at Department of Defense With the help of a fellow Veteran 

  • Other 

How often do you go online to access VA benefits and services? Languages 

In which languages do you feel comfortable reading content? 

  • English 

  • Spanish 

  • Chinese 

  • Tagalog 

  • Vietnamese 

  • French 

  • Haitian Creole 

  • Korean 

  • German 

  • Arabic 

  • Other Asian 

  • African 

  • Other not listed


Perigean confirms that respondents to the screener are legitimate humans (i.e., not bots or scammers). Perigean does not independently validate their self-reported data.

Participant database 

Once candidates are vetted, their survey answers are added to Perigean’s Knack database, which includes demographics like:

  • Age

  • Gender

  • Race

  • VA Benefits

2. Study recruitment 

Remote moderated research is the most common type of recruitment that Perigean handles. These sessions are conducted remotely over Zoom.

Flow chart of the remote moderated research process

The recruitment process for remote moderated studies.

Study request 

After researchers complete the Research Review touchpoint and your study is approved, a study request will be sent to Perigean to kick the process off. Perigean will set up the study in the Project Tracker and establish Slack channels.

Participant database

Perigean uses the candidate-provided information in the Knack database to initially down-select participants into studies. This is Filter #1 for matching participants to studies. 

Invitations and screener questions

Targeting only the downselected set of matching candidates, Perigean next sends invitation emails that include a link to their Calendly scheduling app. In Calendly, candidates select a workable date/time, and respond to any additional screener questions that are necessary for further specification of the desired participant characteristics as provided in your research plan. Perigean can include up to 7 additional screener questions as a way to ensure the right participants are recruited. This step is often referred to as Filter #2. Only candidates who appropriately respond to these questions will be scheduled for study sessions, but it is important to remember that responses to these questions are also self-reported – Perigean does not independently validate their responses.

Consent form 

If a candidate accepts the invitation and passes the screener questions, Perigean will send them the VA-provided consent form for digital signature. Reminders to complete the form will be sent if not completed.


Confirmed sessions are scheduled via Google Calendar, and the project tracker is also updated, providing the participant demographics and the Zoom links for each session. Research leads are provided login information for the Zoom account they will be using.


Before the session, Perigean sends reminders to participants and aid in technical support to get them set up and ready for the session. 

During sessions, Perigean team members may also take notes directly in GitHub if you've requested note-taking in your research request

3. Post-study 

After the sessions are complete, there are a few more steps that Perigean assists with. 

Flow chart of the post-study process

Perigean’s post-study process.

Follow-up email 

Perigean sends follow-up emails to all participants, thanking them for participating and confirming that compensation will be sent to the address they provided at registration. Research teams can request that Perigean provide additional follow-up information, but such information should not involve additional tasks.


Once a session is complete, Perigean compensates the participant with a paper check. Compensation scales are set by the type and duration of the study session.


Recordings may be retrieved from the Zoom account by the research lead. This can be done anytime during the study. However, once the research lead has closed the study, all recordings should be downloaded within 24 hours to allow the account to be used for other studies. Perigean will remind research leads to do so.

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