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How to prepare for Perigean to take notes

If you need Perigean to take notes during a research session, there are a few things you’ll need to prepare before the session. But before you start, make sure that your conversation guide has been reviewed and approved.

Before you begin

Have your approved conversation guide open in GitHub. This will provide the framework for your notes.

Step-by-step guide

Step 1: Create a transcripts folder

Create a new folder called “Transcripts” in your research study folder.

  1. Click Add new file

Screenshot of the research study folder in GitHub highlighting the Add file button on the top right.

Research study folder in GitHub

2. Click Create new file

Screenshot of the research study folder in GitHub highlighting the Create new file option on the top right.

Research study folder in GitHub

3. Type “transcripts” where it says Name your file, then hit forward slash “/” to create the folder followed by the name of your file (e.g.

Screenshot of the research study folder in GitHub highlighting the file path to create a transcripts folder and your first file in it.

Research study folder in GitHub

Step 2: Add text from Conversation Guide

  1. In a separate tab, open your conversation guide and click the copy raw contents icon.

Screenshot of a conversation guide in GitHub highlighting the copy raw contents icon on the top right.

Example of a conversation guide in GitHub

2. Then, paste it into the file you created in the transcripts folder

Screenshot of the new file you just created in the transcripts folder. This illustrates that you paste the markdown from your conversation guide here.

Transcript document for participant 1 on GitHub

3. Click Commit new file

Screenshot of GitHub page highlighting the Commit new file button on the bottom left.

Click ‘Commit new file’ to save

Step 3: Create files for all participants

Repeat steps 1 and 2 to create files for all participants, and number them accordingly. Remember to update the file name to reflect different dates if there's a no-show.

Step 4: On the day of the session

Copy that session participant file’s URL and send a Slack message to your Perigean notetaker in your study channel.

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