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iPhone: Start screen share

Once a participant is in the meeting, follow these steps to help them start sharing their screen.


  • iOS 11 or higher

  • Zoom mobile app for iOS version 4.1.18611.1228 or higher

Step 1: Show meeting controls

“When you are inside the Zoom application on your phone, you'll see a few buttons at the bottom. If you don’t see them, you can tap anywhere on the screen to get them to show.”

Demonstration of a hand tapping the screen while in a zoom meeting to display the meeting controls.

Tap the screen while in a Zoom meeting to display the meeting controls

Step 2: Meeting controls

“You should see Mute, Stop Video, Share content, Participants, and three dots over to the right. "Share content" and “Chat” will be important for us today. Let’s share your screen first.”

Screenshot of the Zoom app with the meeting controls displayed

The meeting controls are displayed at the bottom of the screen

Step 3: Share your screen

“Next, I'd like you to share your screen with me. Tap on the arrow that says Share content.”

Screenshot of the Zoom app meeting controls suggesting you select the share content button.

Tapping the Share Content button will start the screen share

Step 4: Select screen

“Then, tap screen.”

Screenshot of a Zoom app menu suggesting you select the Screen option.

Choose Screen in the menu to share your screen

Step 5: Start broadcast

“You should be prompted with an option to share Zoom. Then, select Start Broadcast.

After a count of 3, the entire device screen will be shared into the meeting.”

Screenshot explaining that everything on your screen will be recorded and suggesting you select the Start Broadcast button.

You'll be alerted to all that you'll be recording before you start sharing your screen

Step 6: You’re sharing your screen

“Great, now I can see your phone screen!”

Screenshot of an iPhone starting screen broadcast. There is a red icon on the top left corner to indicate you are sharing your screen.

A red icon indicates that you are broadcasting or sharing your screen with others

Step 7: Device Audio

Use only if testing with assistive technology and need to hear what the device is saying to the participant.

“Also, I see that Share Device Audio is on. This so we can hear what you hear and can follow along.”

Screenshot indicating that you are sharing your screen and are sharing your device audio.

If you need to hear the audio on the device while testing with accessibility features, make sure the Share Device Audio is on

For further support, you can visit iOS screen sharing on Zoom

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