Handling flaky unit tests
A test fixture is a fixed state so the results should be repeatable. A flaky test is a test which could fail or pass for the same configuration. In monitoring the deploy of vets-website we often have to deal with flaky tests in a few specific situations:
A flaky test inside of a pull request
A flaky test in
when an auto-deploy is not nearingA flaky test in
when an auto-deploy is nearing
A flaky test inside of a pull request
If a unit test fails in a pull request, no one is alerted so it’s more likely that it gets refreshed to unblock the work or skipped in the PR, then reviewed by the code owner. This action is the responsibility of the pull request owner and has no effect on the daily deploy.
A flaky test in master when an auto-deploy is not nearing
If a unit test fails in main
and a deploy is not nearing (or has already happened for the day), the failure can be ignored as inconsequential. However, the pipeline should still be refreshed in order to tell if the test is flaky or legitimately failing. The relevant code owner should then be alerted so they can either skip or fix the test before the next deploy (at the discretion of the test owner).
A flaky test in master when an auto-deploy is nearing
If a unit test fails in main
and a scheduled deploy is nearing, the Release Tools support team member should refresh the pipeline immediately, open up a pull request to skip the test, and alert the code owner for a fix and/or pull request approval to skip the test. Ideally the test gets fixed, but in reality, the process to merge can often take longer than is allowed for by the timing of the deploy. This is why it is important to have a pull request opened immediately to skip the test if needed - no need to wait for the code owner, delays can fail the deploy. This is the most common reason for a failed deploy so we should all be on high alert for it while on a support rotation.
As the pull request is running through the pipeline, the support engineer should keep refreshing the main
pipeline just in case it catches and is successful to prevent a failed deploy. Even if the deploy is successful, the test should be either fixed or skipped as to not block future deploys.
Isolated application builds
You can view failed unit tests in the Unit Tests
job output or the Mochawesome report in the Unit Tests Summary section of the workflow.
Steps to resolve failed unit tests:
Re-run the failed workflow. You can do so by opening the workflow of the failed commit from the commit status and re-running the failed jobs or re-running the entire workflow.
Merge a PR for skipping the unit test(s) if a fix can’t be merged within an hour.
Once the PR has been merged to either fix the issue or skip the unit test(s), verify that the new commit’s pipeline successfully completes.
If the daily production deploy needs to be restarted, you will need to notify the appropriate Release Tools Team member. For more information, view the Restarting the daily deploy documentation.
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