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Contact us

Last Updated: December 4, 2024

This document lists the multiple people on the Governance Team and other teams that support the Collaboration Cycle.


  • First time working with us? Review the guidance in Collaboration Cycle Kickoff. If you’re able to answer all the questions, then submit a Collaboration Cycle Request ticket per the guidance provided to find out which touchpoints we recommend for your product.

  • Ready to schedule a touchpoint? Follow the guidance for each touchpoint under Collaboration Cycle Touchpoints.

  • Have a question for one of our practice area specialists? Sign up for our weekly Office Hours listed in the platform office hours calendar.

  • Need immediate assistance? Reach out using the Slack support workflow on the #vfs-platform-support channel.


We strive for continuous improvement of the Collaboration Cycle process, and ask for feedback after each touchpoint. Please complete our feedback survey at any point during your team’s participation in the Collaboration Cycle.

Platform teams supporting the Collaboration Cycle


Accessibility: Brian DeConinck

Content: Keegan Kitagawa-Bosch

Design: Allison Christman

Information Architecture (IA): Erin White

Product Manager: Shira Goodman

Quality Assurance (QA): Ian Harrison

Analytics & Insights

Product Manager: Johnny Jesensky

Platform Security

Product Manager: Kelly Argyros


Product Manager: Grace Kretschmer Tran

Design: Marisa Dominguez

Accessibility: Steve Rancour

Quality Assurance (QA): Jon Keister

Engineering: Tim Cosgrove

DevOps: Tyler Bird

Other teams supporting the Collaboration Cycle

Veteran Support

Contact Center Lead: Kimberley Monroe-Daniels

Product Manager: Anita Middleton

Sitewide Content, Accessibility and Information Architecture (CAIA)

Project manager: Terry Nichols

Scrum master: Lily Strelich

Accessibility: Sara Smith

Information Architect (IA): Kristin Ouellette Muskat

Managing editor (Content): Laura Willwerth

OCTO Design Practice Area Leads

Accessibility: Martha Wilkes

Design: Matthew Dingee

Content: Danielle Thierry & Beth Potts

Information Architecture (IA): Mikki Northuis

Research: Shane Strassberg

Security: Ray Wang


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