How to read a Staging Review ticket
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The goal of this page is to provide an overview of a Staging Review issue ticket.
Collaboration Cycle Staging Review issue tickets are included within the dataset that populates the Collaboration Cycle Dashboard on Domo.
Sample issue ticket

Screenshot of the GitHub labels in the Staging Review issue ticket
The title of the ticket is a brief description of the issue that’s been identified:
Staging Review finding: [Brief description of issue]
The body of every Staging Review issue ticket will have the following sections.
Product information

Screenshot of the Product Information body section.
This section contains information like the team’s name, the product name, and the feature.
Findings details

Screenshot of the Findings details and Description body sections.
This section contains specific information and details about the issue, including what was discovered and suggested solutions. Experience Standard - issue: The specific Experience Standard that is not being met. Experience Standard - category: The user experience category that the Experience Standard belongs to.
Design System review:
If yes, indicates that the finding might be related to a specific Design System component and require Design System team’s review.
If yes, this indicates that the issue is launch blocking and must be resolved before the team is permitted to launch in production.
If no, the issue doesn’t block the team from launching, but it should still be addressed before launch or in the near future.
Collab Cycle Reviewer: The Governance Team member who created the issue and their practice area.
The feedback from the Point of Contact/Reviewer specific to the issue found. If more than 1 person is listed as Point of Contact/Reviewer, Issue Details will be provided from all individuals.
Link, screenshot or steps to recreate: This may or may not appear in this section. If this section is there, it is reference information from the Point of Contact/Reviewer. This could be in the form of a link to the staging review page where the issue was found, a screenshot of the issue in the staging environment, or steps to recreate the issue in the staging environment.
Recommended action
The recommended action from the Point of Contact/Reviewer in order to fix, resolve and/or mitigate the issue.

Screenshot of the References body section.
Other VA points of reference that may be helpful for the VFS team. This could include links to WCAG guidance, Design System Components, and the Content Style Guide.
Next steps for VFS team

Screenshot of the Next Steps for the VFS Team body section.
Instructions to the VFS team on how to contact Platform with any questions/concerns, and how and when to close out the ticket. This is auto-populated in every Staging Review issue ticket.

Screenshot of the Github labels in the Staging Review issue ticket.
Default labels
Staging Review issue tickets will have all of the labels listed below:
This label indicates that the issue ticket is feedback from a Collaboration Cycle reviewer.CC-Dashboard
This label indicates that the issue ticket will be included in the dataset for populating the Collaboration Cycle Dashboard in Domo.staging
This label indicates that the ticket was documented during the Staging Review.
Practice Area labels
Staging Review issue tickets will have at minimum one at maximum five of the labels listed below:
This label indicates that the issue impacts the accessibility practice
This label indicates that the issue impacts the design practice area.content
This label in indicates that the issue impacts the content practice area.ia
This label indicates that the issue impacts the IA practice area.QA
This label indicates that issues impacts the QA practice area and/or was uncovered during the QA review.
Severity labels
Staging Review issue tickets will have at minimum zero at maximum one of the labels listed below:
This label indicates that the issue detailed in the ticket is launch blocking and must be resolved before the team is permitted to launch in production.
Previous identification labels
Issues previously identified at Design Intent or Midpoint Review will have the labels identified-at-DI
and/or identified-at-MPR
, respectively.
Imposter component label
If a finding indicates there are components that look like official Design System components but are not using the official Design System code, they’ll have the label va-imposter
. product labels
Staging Review issue tickets will have exactly one product label.
VFS team labels
Staging Review issue tickets will have at minimum one team label. Experience Standards labels
Staging Review issue tickets will have at maximum one experience standard.
Design system guidance labels
The issue tickets will also have labels referring to specific guidance in the VA Design System. The prefixes for these labels will be:
for Design System componentscontent-
for Content Style Guide itemspattern-
for Design System patternstemplate-
for Design System templatesfoundation-
for Design System foundation
Accessibility labels
Staging Review issue tickets will have at minimum zero at maximum one of the labels listed below:
This label indicates that the issue is an accessibility defect level 0. If this label is on the ticket, thelaunch-blocking
Severity label must also be applied.a11y-defect-1
This label indicates that the issue is an accessibility defect level 1. If this label is on the ticket, thelaunch-blocking
Severity label must also be applied.a11y-defect-2
This label indicates that the issue is an accessibility defect level 2. If this label is on the ticket, thelaunch-blocking
Severity label may also be applied and is at the discretion of the Accessibility practice area reviewer.a11y-defect-3
This label indicates that the issue is an accessibility defect level 3.a11y-defect-4
This label indicates that the issue is an accessibility defect level 4.
Please reference the Accessibility defect severity rubric for additional information on the accessibility labels.
Modality labels
These labels indicate which technologies or tools might be impacted by a finding. These labels begin with the prefix modality-
Context labels
These labels refer to instances where a finding is not specific to one certain part of the interface, but is found in URL, a user flow, a metadata field, or in multiple places across the product/feature. These labels begin with the prefix context-
Additional labels
Staging Review issue tickets may include additional labels for VFS team reference (eg the product label, status labels, VFS role labels, etc.) or for Platform reference (eg accessibility subject matter, etc.).
The Collaboration Cycle GitHub ticket is included in a GitHub milestone with a matching name. All Staging Review tickets will also be added to this milestone. VFS teams are free to assign the Staging Review issue tickets to other Milestones, but please don’t remove the original Collaboration Cycle GitHub Milestone.
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