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How to use Medallia data in DOMO

Medallia Data is a custom dashboard in DOMO. We created it so you can view and analyze survey data from your product pages. You can view data from any page. Surveys can provide valuable feedback about your products and how you can improve them.


VFS Feedback (always on) Survey

This survey is triggered by a feedback button found above the footer on all pages. There are three standard questions on this survey that focus on task completion for the visited page(s).

A11 Satisfaction (intercept) Survey

This is enabled across all of modernized and randomly “intercepts” 5% of users who have had a 20 second or longer session. There are five questions focused on satisfaction and trust in the VA.


The primary product/category/parent page on Generally, an entry point to a more specific page a user will be looking for when trying to complete a task on


The secondary/child/product pages on Generally, more specific to a specific task a user is trying to accomplish while on

Using the dashboard

Primary filters


Filter by the device the user was using when they submitted their survey.


Filter by primary product/category/parent pages (see definitions above).


Filter by secondary/child/product pages (see definitions above).

Chart definitions


The total number of responses per survey type for applied filters.

Responses by directory

The total number of survey responses per directory (limit of 10 shown by default).

Submissions by week

The total number of survey responses by week, segmented by survey type.

“Please rate your experience with today”

From the A11 Satisfaction Survey. Consolidated and summarize scores from answers to that question in the survey. 1⁠–⁠5 scale. 4/5 = positive. 3 = neutral. 1/2 = negative.

“How much do you trust Veterans Affairs to fulfill our country’s commitment to Veterans?”

From the A11 Satisfaction Survey. Total responses and percent of responses by the level of trust as listed in the chart.

“How did this interaction change your trust in Veterans Affairs?”

From the A11 Satisfaction Survey. The percent of the difference in trust between positive and negative responses. The calculation is described in more detail within the chart.

“Were you able to do your task today?”

From the VFS Feedback Survey. Yes or no response. Shows total and percentage of responses for each.

Satisfaction by directory

A breakdown by directory of Veteran satisfaction based on the ratings from “Please rate your experience with today.”

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