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Accessing and Utilizing Veteran Support Data

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The Veteran Support team is crucial in collecting and maintaining data from MyVA411, call centers, and Medallia surveys. This data, a treasure trove of insights, fuels our potential to identify needs and pain points and establish quantitative baselines for measuring improvement. This document is a comprehensive guide about the data collected and how to use it effectively to enhance VFS products on

MyVA411 Data

Data from the MyVA411 information line (800-698-2411) is logged in Salesforce by call center agents. Certain case information is imported into DOMO for visualization, such as:

  • Case category

  • Case type (sub-category)

  • Outcome

  • Date information

Any fields containing personally identifiable information (PII)—such as case notes and Veteran contact information—are not imported into DOMO. An export of MyVA411 case note information can be requested by opening a Qualitative Data Request. Qualitative data may contain PII and, therefore, needs to be shared with a VA email address on the VA network.

View the MyVA411 DOMO Dashboard →

Medallia Data

Medallia Feedback Survey

The Medallia feedback survey is accessed by clicking on the blue “Feedback” button located at the bottom of the main content on most modernized pages.

Medallia Feedback button

Medallia Feedback button

Medallia Feedback Survey

Medallia Feedback Survey

Feedback Survey Questions

  1. Were you able to do your task today?

    • Yes

    • No

  2. What task were you trying to do today?

    • Open text field

  3. What is your overall satisfaction with this site?

    • Not at all satisfied

    • Dissatisfied

    • Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied

    • Satisfied

    • Very satisfied

Medallia Intercept Survey

The intercept survey is enabled across all of modernized It randomly “intercepts” 5% of users who have had a 20-second or more extended session. There are 5 questions focused on satisfaction and trust in VA (see below).

Medallia Intercept Survey

Medallia Intercept Survey

Medallia Intercept Survey Invitation

Medallia Intercept Survey Invitation

Medallia Intercept Survey Questions

  1. Please rate your experience with today.

    • Very bad

    • Somewhat bad

    • Neither bad nor good

    • Somewhat good

    • Very good

  2. Why did you select that rating? 

    • Open text field

  3. Please rate how understandable this site's information is.

    • Difficult to understand

    • Somewhat difficult to understand

    • Some are easy, some are difficult

    • Somewhat easy to understand

    • Easy to understand

  4. How did this interaction change your trust in Veterans Affairs?

    • Decreased my trust

    • Somewhat decreased my trust

    • Neither increased nor decreased my trust

    • Somewhat increased my trust

    • Increased my trust

  5. How much do you trust Veterans Affairs to fulfill our country’s commitment to Veterans?

    • High level of distrust

    • Modest level of distrust

    • Neither trust nor distrust

    • Modest level of trust

    • High level of trust

Accessing Medallia Data

Quantitative data can be found on the Medallia DOMO Dashboard.

Open a qualitative data request to request an export of qualitative information—responses gathered through the open text fields on both surveys. Qualitative data may contain PII and, therefore, needs to be shared with a VA email address on the VA network.

Open text fields on Medallia surveys may contain raw and explicit user responses. Please be aware of the frustration some users experience while attempting to obtain services and the impact this may have on the survey responses they submit.

What to Do With the Data

There are a variety of uses for MyVA411 support data and Medallia survey data. Consider the following if you’re wondering where to begin:

Establish a Baseline and Measure Success

  • Utilize the MyVA411 Dashboard to track ticket volume for relevant case categories

  • Utilize the Medallia Dashboard to measure your product's satisfaction scores and task completion percentages

Identify Pain Points

Specific metrics can expose areas of needed improvement:

  • High MyVA411 ticket volume for relevant sub-categories

  • Low satisfaction scores for your product/URLs

  • Low task completion percentages for your product/URLs

  • A negative net change in trust for your products/URLs

Qualitative data can help teams identify and drill down on specific issues Veterans are experiencing. Primary sources of this qualitative information are:

  • Medallia intercept survey (“Why did you select that rating?”)

  • Medallia feedback survey (“What task were you trying to do today?”)

  • MyVA411 case notes

Build Your Icebox/Backlog

Qualitative data exports can provide insights into trending issues. These trends can be identified and incorporated into tickets for your team to address in future sprints.

Write More Informative Research Questions and Hypotheses

Iterative research is a great way to improve a product gradually. Pain points can identify areas that need improvement, and Veteran responses through Medallia and case notes can be utilized to write informative research questions and hypotheses.


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