VHA Access to Care
This backend is used to retrieve facility satisfaction and wait time information as part of the overall Facility Locator product. Data from this service is downloaded in a nightly sync job that's run via Sidekiq.
Required Configuration
The forward proxy points to https://www.accesstopwt.va.gov. This hostname resolves to external IP addresses, and there is no internal IP for it.
Source code implementation
Sidekiq worker: https://github.com/department-of-veterans-affairs/vets-api/blob/master/app/workers/facilities/access_data_download.rb
Client implementation: https://github.com/department-of-veterans-affairs/vets-api/blob/master/lib/facilities/bulk_json_client.rb
Scheduled Downtime
None known.
Internal Slack channel: #facilitieslocator
Role | Name | |
Project Manager (BISL and Access to Care) | Theresa Baamonde |
Help and feedback
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