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VA Forms Library - Using Form Widgets and Fields

Widgets are React components that return specific form elements. There are two types:

  • Widgets directly from React JSON Schema Form (RJSF). These are bundled directly in the react-jsonschema-form repo at Form.js.

  • Widgets created specifically for VA Forms Library. Some of these widgets get bundled into the SchemaForm component and passed to RJSF at Forms System Widgets.

Before using form widgets or fields, be sure to understand how schema and uiSchema work. Both are needed to successfully implement a widget or a field.

Using RJSF widgets

To use RJSF widgets, modify the uiSchema ui:widget property to reflect the imported widget name. This tells the form which UI widget should be used to render a field. You will also need to modify the schema to reflect the type. See further examples for each widget below.

uiSchema: {
  //...other uiSchema code omitted here
  'ui:widget': CurrencyWidget,

Note: Ellipses are used in code samples throughout this document to indicate when some code has been omitted for brevity (for example, “//...code omitted here”). When available, links to full code examples in GitHub are included.

Using Forms Library widgets

Widgets created specifically for the Forms Library do not have import mappings to the files, so the component for the widget must be passed directly to the config by importing.

To use any Forms Library widget, make the following modifications in the config file. There are three steps:

  1. Import the widget at the top of the file:

    import CheckboxWidget from 'platform/forms-system/src/js/widgets/';

    Note: To not trigger the linter, the import path needs to import directly from Platform as shown above, not relative to the source, and be above any manifest imports.

  2. Modify the uiSchema ui:widget property to reflect the imported widget name (e.g., CheckboxWidget). This tells the form which UI widget should be used to render a field.

    uiSchema: {
      //...other uiSchema code omitted here
      'ui:widget': CheckboxWidget,

  3. You also need to modify the schema to reflect the type of the widget. For example, type: 'string'. Other patterns or formatting are sometimes required. See further examples for each widget below.

Available widgets and fields

This section includes all available widgets and fields, along with some important features, how to use them, and simple examples or example directly from the VA codebase. The widgets and fields that require file imports are shown in each description.

Array count widget

This widget can collect multiple items with the same form question. For example, if you need to collect multiple addresses, jobs, or employment in a time period.

Renders an <input type="number"> HTML element and is used when determining how many times a group of questions should be rendered. The following screen capture is an example of what the ArrayCountWidget looks like in the user interface to select the number of times the question is rendered.

An example of the Array count widget in the “Apply for pension benefits” form.

How to use

  • Include an import to the widget at the top of the file:
    import ArrayCountWidget from 'platform/forms-system/src/js/widgets/';

  • In the uiSchema, specify 'ui:widget': ArrayCountWidget for for the given field.

  • Original Forms Library file for reference: ArrayCountWidget.jsx


A shortened example is included here, but you can view a full example on Pensions Form 21P-527EZ.

import ArrayCountWidget from 'platform/forms-system/src/js/widgets/';

const marriages = {
  type: 'array',
  items: {
    type: 'object',
    properties: {
      locationOfMarriage: {
        type: 'string',
      marriageType: {
        type: 'string',
//...other formConfig code omitted here
page1: {
          path: 'additional-information',
          title: 'Additional Information - Page 1',
          uiSchema: {
            marriages: {
              'ui:title': 'How many times have you been married?',
              'ui:widget': ArrayCountWidget,
              'ui:field': 'StringField',
              'ui:options': {
                showFieldLabel: 'label',
                keepInPageOnReview: true,
          schema: {
            type: 'object',
            properties: {

To display multiple groups of the same form questions, define the data in the schemaas type: 'array', with each group of questions as an itemin that array. The schemaand uiSchemafor the group of questions within the itemsobject is structured the same as other fields.

Your config file might look like this:

  schema: {
    type: 'object',
    properties: {
      dogs: {
        type: 'array',
        items: {
          type: 'object',
          properties: {
            nameOfDog: { type: 'string' },
            age: { type: 'string' },
            breed: { type: 'string' }
  uiSchema: {
    'ui:title': 'How many dogs do you have?',
    items: {
      nameOfDog: { 'ui:title': 'What is your dog‘s name?' },
      age: { 'ui:title': 'How old is your dog?' },
      breed: { 'ui:title': 'What is your dog‘s breed?' }

Array field

Use this to render a growable table (array) field for the user to select data. This field is suitable for the regular form, not the review page. The ArrayFieldcode will add an "Add another" button with a suffix from itemName.

How to Use

  • At the top of the file, include: import ArrayField from 'platform/forms-system/src/js/fields/ArrayField';

  • In the uiSchema, specify 'ui:field': ArrayField for the given field.

  • Original Forms Library file for reference: ArrayField.jsx

An option for ArrayField is addAnotherLabel, which only applies when setting a schema type to array.

  • The ArrayFieldcode will add an "Add another" button with a suffix from itemName.

  • Including an addAnotherLabelreplaces the add another button text:

    names: {
      'ui:title': 'Bunch of names',
      'ui:options': {
        itemName: 'Name', // title case
        addAnotherLabel: 'Add another name' // sentence case

    This code results in a title of "New Name" & a button containing "Add another name."


A shortened version of the Forms Library military history disability benefits example with an array field is included here, and the full example can be found at VA Form 21-526EZ, Military History.

export const uiSchema = {
  serviceInformation: {
    servicePeriods: {
      'ui:title': 'Military service history',
        'Please add or update your military service history details below.',
      'ui:field': ArrayField,
      'ui:options': {
        itemName: 'Service Period',
        viewField: ValidatedServicePeriodView,
        reviewMode: true,
        showSave: true,
        setEditState: formData =>
 => !isValidServicePeriod(data)),
      items: {
        serviceBranch: {
          'ui:title': 'Branch of service',
        dateRange: dateRangeUISchema,
        'ui:options': {
          itemName: 'Military service history',

export const schema = {
  type: 'object',
  properties: {
    serviceInformation: {
      required: ['servicePeriods'], // required in fullSchema
      type: 'object',
      properties: {
        'view:militaryHistoryNote': {
          type: 'object',
          properties: {},

Auto suggest field

Use this to provide a list of suggestions when the user is typing. This automatically begins offering a truncated list of suggestions based upon what the user types and renders a field with a list of options that expands under that field when selected.

The following screen capture is an example of what the AutoSuggestField looks like in the user interface.

An example of the Auto suggest field in the “Apply for pre-need eligibility determination” form

How to use

  • In the uiSchema, specify autosuggest.uiSchema('Name of question', listOfOptionsFunction), for for the given field.

  • In the schema, inside 'ui:options' , add inputProps, which contains attributes you'd like to add to the <input> element inside the Autosuggest component.

  • Original Forms Library file for reference: AutosuggestField.jsx


A full example is provided here with two autosuggest fields included. The fetch for getCemeteries, from a different file, is also provided below.

The full example can be found at Form 40-10007 Apply for pre-need eligibility determination.

uiSchema: {
            application: {
              claimant: {
                desiredCemetery: autosuggest.uiSchema(
                  'Which VA national cemetery would you prefer to be buried in?',
                'view:desiredCemeteryNote': {
                  'ui:description': desiredCemeteryNoteDescription,
              // ...
              // hasCurrentlyBuried radio option removed for length
              currentlyBuriedPersons: {
                'ui:options': {
                  viewField: EligibleBuriedView,
                  expandUnder: 'hasCurrentlyBuried',
                  expandUnderCondition: '1',
                items: {
                  name: merge({}, fullNameUI, {
                    'ui:title': 'Name of deceased',
                  cemeteryNumber: autosuggest.uiSchema(
                    'VA national cemetery where they’re buried',
                      'ui:options': {
                        inputProps: {
                          'aria-describedby': 'burial-cemetary-note',
          schema: {
            type: 'object',
            properties: {
              application: {
                type: 'object',
                properties: {
                  claimant: {
                    type: 'object',
                    properties: {
                      desiredCemetery: autosuggest.schema,
                      'view:desiredCemeteryNote': {
                        type: 'object',
                        properties: {},
                  currentlyBuriedPersons: currentlyBuriedPersonsMinItem(),

Here is the fetch function referred to in the previous code snippet, which can be found at Form 40-10007 Helpers.js:

export function getCemeteries() {
  return fetch(`${environment.API_URL}/v0/preneeds/cemeteries`, {
    credentials: 'include',
    headers: {
      'X-Key-Inflection': 'camel',
      'Source-App-Name': window.appName,
    .then(res => {
      if (!res.ok) {
        return Promise.reject(res);

      return res.json();
    .then(res => => ({
    .catch(res => {
      if (res instanceof Error) {

      // May change this to a reject later, depending on how we want
      // to surface errors in autosuggest field
      return Promise.resolve([]);

Basic array field

Use this to provide an array selection field for the user. If the component has form data, it uses that, otherwise it uses an array with a single default object.

How to use

  • In the uiSchema, specify 'ui:field': BasicArrayField for the given field.

  • Original Forms Library file for reference: BasicArrayField.jsx


A simplified version of the linked example is included here. The full example can be found at 10-10EZ Healthcare Benefits Application.

dependents: {
      'ui:field': 'BasicArrayField',
      items: dependentIncomeUiSchema,
      'ui:options': {
        hideIf: formData => !get('view:reportDependents', formData),
schema: {
    type: 'object',
    properties: {
      dependents: merge({}, dependents, {
        minItems: 1,

Checkbox widget

Use of this widget is not recommended because there is a default boolean option that does the same thing. Please follow the instructions below to use the default solution.

The CheckboxWidget is uncommonly used in the uiSchema, because it renders by default in a schema that specifies:

type: 'boolean'

This renders an <input type="checkbox"> HTML element. On the review page, a selected checkbox appears as “Selected.”

Each individual checkbox is used to store booleandata. To include a group of checkboxes, include separate fields for each checkbox, with type: 'boolean' passed to the schema.

The following example shows a group of checkboxes that allows more than one item to be selected.

A screen capture of the code below that includes a question, What books have you read, followed by You may check more than one. Then four options are listed, Pride and Prejudice, Jane Eyre, The Great Gatsby, and Buddenbrooks.

An example of the Checkbox widget rendered in an example form.

Your config for the group of checkboxes looks like this:

schema: {
  type: 'object',
  properties: {
    'view:booksRead': {
      type: 'object',
      properties: {
        hasReadPrideAndPrejudice: { type: 'boolean' },
        hasReadJaneEyre: { type: 'boolean' },
        hasReadGreatGatsby: { type: 'boolean' },
        hasReadBuddenbrooks: { type: 'boolean' },
uiSchema: {
  'view:booksRead': {
    'ui:title': 'Which books have you read?',
    'ui:description': 'You may check more than one.',
    hasReadPrideAndPrejudice: {
      'ui:title': 'Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen',
    hasReadJaneEyre: {
      'ui:title': 'Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë',
    hasReadGreatGatsby: {
      'ui:title': 'The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald',
    hasReadBuddenbrooks: {
      'ui:title': 'Buddenbrooks by Thomas Mann',

Date widget

Use this to allow the user to select a date. This renders two dropdown fields, a month and a date, followed by a text entry field for the year.

How to use

  • In the uiSchema, specify 'ui:widget': 'date' for the given field.

  • In the schema, specify both a pattern and a type, as included in the example schema below.

  • Original Forms Library file for reference: DateWidget.jsx

Other options are available in the forms library that implement the date widget and may be useful to you in your :

  • currentOrPastDate: This allows users to only choose the current date or past date, not a date in the future. Many dates input by the user are current or past dates, such as dates of service, injury, or life events.

  • dateUI: This adds additional error messaging and optional validation.


This example uses the date widget prompting the user to select a date, in order of Month, Day, and Year.

An example of the Date widget rendered in a form.

uiSchema: {
        date: {
          'ui:widget': 'date',
schema: {
  type: 'object',
  properties: {
    date: {
      "pattern": "^(\\d{4}|XXXX)-(0[1-9]|1[0-2]|XX)-(0[1-9]|[1-2][0-9]|3[0-1]|XX)$",
      type: 'string',

Email widget

Use this to provide an email field for the user to type their email address. It renders a TextWidget with the type: "email" passed to the <input> element. The purpose of this widget is to validate the string as it’s typed in. It requires the user to type in an email format, including an @ symbol and a dot extension:

How to use

  • In the uiSchema, specify 'ui:widget': EmailWidget for the given field.

  • In the schema, specify type: 'string', format: 'email'.

  • Original Forms Library file for reference: EmailWidget.jsx


import EmailWidget from 'platform/forms-system/src/js/widgets/';

//...other formConfig code omitted here
    uiSchema: {
      email: {
        'ui:title': 'Email address',
        'ui:widget': 'email',
    schema: {
      required: [formFields.firstName],
      type: 'object',
      properties: {
        email: {
          type: 'string',
          format: 'email',

File field

Use this to allow a user to upload a file in one of the following formats: 'pdf', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'png'.

There is a minimum (minSize: 1024) and maximum (maxSize: 20971520) file size that the user may upload.

How to use

  • In the uiSchema, specify 'ui:field': FileField for the given field. A type: 'array', schema is required, and an example schema is shown below.

  • Original Forms Library file for reference: FileField.jsx


An example schema:

export const fileSchema = {
  type: 'array',
  minItems: 1,
  items: {
    type: 'object',
    properties: {
      fileName: {
        type: 'string',
      fileSize: {
        type: 'integer',
      confirmationNumber: {
        type: 'string',
      errorMessage: {
        type: 'string',
      uploading: {
        type: 'boolean',

Full name field

Use this to render a field for the user to type their full name. This renders four fields: First name, Middle name, Last name, and a dropdown selection box for Suffix.

An example of the Full name field used in the “Apply for pension benefits” form.

How to use

  • At the top of the file, include:

import fullNameUI from 'platform/forms/definitions/fullName';
  • In the uiSchema, specify 'ui:field': fullNameUI for the given field.

  • Other options are available if you want to specify a spouse or child’s name instead of using the generic field titles. A case of this is shown in the example section below.

  • Original Forms Library file for reference: FullNameField.jsx


A simplified version of the linked example is included here. The full example can be found at Burials Form 21P-527EZ.

previousNames: {
          title: 'Previous names',
          path: 'military-history/previous-names',
          uiSchema: {
            previousNames: {
              'ui:options': {
                itemName: 'Name',
                expandUnder: 'view:serveUnderOtherNames',
                viewField: FullNameField,
              items: fullNameUI,
              //...code omitted here
          schema: {
            type: 'object',
            properties: {
              //...code omitted here
              previousNames: {
                minItems: 1,

Another case in the same form where the fullNameUI is used for the spouse is shown here:

uiSchema: {
        marriages: {
          items: {
            'ui:options': {
              updateSchema: (form, schema, uiSchema, index) => ({
                title: getMarriageTitleWithCurrent(form, index),
            spouseFullName: merge({}, fullNameUI, {
              first: {
                'ui:title': 'Spouse first name',
              last: {
                'ui:title': 'Spouse last name',
              middle: {
                'ui:title': 'Spouse middle name',
              suffix: {
                'ui:title': 'Spouse suffix',
            //...code omitted here

Object field

This is largely copied from the react-jsonschema-form library, but with a modification in the way descriptions are used, along with additional performance optimizations. This runs a series of steps that order properties and then group them into expandable groups. If there are no expandable groups, then the end result will be an array of single item arrays

How to use

  • In the uiSchema, specify 'ui:field': ObjectField for the given field.

  • Original Forms Library file for reference: ObjectField.jsx


A full example of ObjectField can be found at Burials Form 21P-527EZ.

import React from 'react';

export default function RaceEthnicityReviewField(props) {
  const { formContext, uiSchema, schema, formData } = props;
  const ObjectField = props.registry.fields.ObjectField;

  if (!formContext.reviewMode) {
    return <ObjectField {...props} />;

  const categories = Object.keys(
    prop => formData[prop],
  return (
      <div className="review-row">
      {categories.slice(1).map(prop => (
        <div key={prop} className="review-row">
          <dt />

Phone number widget

Use this to render a field that allows the user to type in their phone number. When submitted, the field handles removing dashes, parentheses, and the letter `x` from phone numbers by keeping the user input in local state and saving the transformed version instead.

How to use

  • Include an import to the widget at the top of the file:
    import PhoneNumberWidget from 'platform/forms-system/src/js/widgets/';

  • In the uiSchema, specify 'ui:widget': PhoneNumberWidget for the given field.

  • In the schema, specify:

phone: {
            type: 'string',
            pattern: '[0-9]+',


uiSchema: {
      phone: {
        'ui:title': RepresentativePhoneTitle,
        'ui:widget': PhoneNumberWidget,
  schema: {
      phone: {
        type: 'string',
        pattern: '[0-9]+',

Radio widget

Use this to provide a list of two or more mutually exclusive options for the user. The user can select one of a list of options, and selecting a non-selected option will deselect any other selected option.

How to use

  • In the uiSchema, specify 'ui:widget': 'radio' for the given field.

  • In the schema, specify:

schema: {
  type: 'string',
enum: [
  'Option 1',
  'Option 2',
  'Option 3',
  • You may notice the schema is identical to the SelectWidget schema.

  • Original Forms Library file for reference: RadioWidget.jsx


This example shows radio buttons with separate ui:options labels. This is a simplified version of an example in Form 10-10CG, Application for Comprehensive Assistance for Family Caregivers Program.

Screen shot showing a radio selection with two options for the question, Select who will sign for the Veteran today. Answers include The Veteran and A representative with legal authority to make medical decisions for the Veteran

An example of the Radio widget rendered in a form.

uiSchema: {
            signAsRepresentativeYesNo: {
              'ui:title': 'Select who will sign for the Veteran today:',
              'ui:widget': 'radio',
              'ui:options': {
                labels: {
                  no: 'The Veteran',
                    'A representative with legal authority to make medical decisions for the Veteran',
schema: {
        type: 'object',
        properties: {
          signAsRepresentativeYesNo: {
            type: 'string',
            enum: ['no', 'yes'],

Select widget

Use the SelectWidget for a select, or dropdown, menu of options for the user. The SelectWidget is not imported or specified directly in the uiSchema because it renders a <select>HTML element by default for data of type: 'string'with an enum property.

How to use

  • In the uiSchema, specify 'ui:widget': 'select' for the given field.

  • In the schema, specify:

type: 'string',
enum: [
  'Option 1',
  'Option 2',
  'Option 3',
  • You may notice the schema is identical to the RadioWidget schema.

  • Original Forms Library file for reference: SelectWidget.jsx


This example shows how to use a select widget with three options.

An example of the Select widget rendered in a form.

uiSchema: {
  animal: {
    'ui:title': 'Selection options',
    'ui:widget': 'select',
schema: {
  type: 'object',
  properties: {
    animal: {
      type: 'string',
      enum: ['aardvark', 'capybaras', 'kangaroos'],

SSN widget

Use this to allow the user to type in their Social Security Number. This uses a TextWidget with additional logic to strip the dashes before saving the input.

How to use

  • Import the ssnUI from the forms system:

import ssnUI from 'platform/forms-system/src/js/definitions/ssn';
  • In the uiSchema, specify 'ui:widget': ssnUI for the given field.

  • In the schema, specify type: 'string'.

  • Original Forms Library file for reference: SSNWidget.jsx


This is a basic example of the ssnUI implementation. As mentioned, it looks the same as a text field but strips any entry of dashes on submission.

Screen shot of a Veteran Information form with Step 1 of 2, Please enter your Social Security Number, followed by a field allowing entry of ssn numbers and dashes, completed with 555-45-4545

An example of the SSN widget rendered in a form.

uiSchema: {
            ssn: {
              'ui:widget': ssnUI,
schema: {
          type: 'object',
          properties: {
            ssn: {
              type: 'string',

Text widget

The TextWidget is uncommonly used in the uiSchema, because it renders an <input>HTML element by default in a schema that specifies:

type: 'string'

Text widget is the default widget for data of type: ‘string.’ This is recommended unless you would like to use it to create a custom component.

How to use

  • At the top of the file, include: import TextWidget from 'platform/forms-system/src/js/widgets/';

  • In the uiSchema, specify 'ui:widget': TextWidget for the given field.

  • In the schema, specify type: string.

  • Original Forms Library file for reference: TextWidget.jsx


export const personalInformationUiSchemas = {
  preferredName: {
    preferredName: {
      'ui:widget': TextWidget,
      'ui:title': `Provide your preferred name (25 characters maximum)`,
      'ui:errorMessages': {
        pattern: 'Preferred name required',

Text area widget

Use this to create a multi-row text area for the user to type in. This may be used for a user to provide more description; e.g., why they're making an appointment or additional symptoms.

How to use

  • At the top of the file, include: import TextareaWidget from '../../vaos/components/TextareaWidget'.

  • In the uiSchema, specify 'ui:widget': TextareaWidget for the given field.

  • In the schema, specify type: 'string'.

  • Original Forms Library file for reference: TextareaWidget.jsx


This is an example of a simple TextAreaWidget implemented in code.

Screen shot that shows a Veteran Information form, Step 1 of 2, Reason for applying for additional dependent benefits. Below that, there is a text area box approximately five lines in height for the user to input text

An example of the Text area widget rendered in a form.

import TextareaWidget from '../../vaos/components/TextareaWidget';

//...formConfig code omitted here

    uiSchema: {
      reasonAdditionalInfo: {
        'ui:widget': TextareaWidget,
    schema: {
      type: 'object',
      properties: {
        reasonAdditionalInfo: {
          type: 'string',

Title field

TitleField.jsx is used to render a title for other fields. It currently returns a title for ArrayField, BasicArrayField, and ObjectField. TitleField should be used in instances where custom field creation is needed, outside the normal schema. The TitleField (legend) needs to be the first child of the fieldset.

How to use


An example of the TitleField in use outside of the Forms Library can be found in the Financial Status Report Item Loop.

const { TitleField, SchemaField } = registry.fields;
//...formConfig code omitted here
return (
      <div className={containerClassNames}>
        {hasTitleOrDescription && (
          <div className="schemaform-block-header">
            {title && !hideTitle ? (
            ) : null}
            {textDescription && <p>{textDescription}</p>}
            {DescriptionField && (
              <DescriptionField options={uiSchema['ui:options']} />
            {!textDescription && !DescriptionField && description}
          {, index) => {
            //...other code omitted here
            return (
                errorSchema={errorSchema ? errorSchema[index] : undefined}
                //...other code omitted here

Yes-no widget

Use this to provide two options, ‘Yes’ or ‘No’, to the user in radio button selection style.

How to use

  • In the uiSchema, specify 'ui:widget': 'yesNo' for the given field.

  • In the schema, specify type: 'boolean'.

  • Original Forms Library file for reference: YesNoWidget.jsx


This is an example of a basic Yes-no widget:

Screen shot of a Veteran Information form, the question, Are you a veteran, is followed by a two-choice radio button, listing options Yes and No

An example of the Yes-no widget rendered in a form.

This code shows an example of a Yes-no widget similar to the one shown. The full example can be found at vets-website/form.js at main · department-of-veterans-affairs/vets-website.


    uiSchema: {
      previousNames: {
        //...code omitted here
      'view:serveUnderOtherNames': {
        'ui:title': 'Did the Veteran serve under another name?',
        'ui:widget': 'yesNo',
    schema: {
      type: 'object',
      properties: {
        'view:serveUnderOtherNames': {
          type: 'boolean',
      //...code omitted here

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