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Platform Dashboards in Datadog

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On this page, you’ll find links to various Platform Dashboards in Datadog. These Dashboards contain metrics, monitors, and widgets that provide insight into the health and performance of Platform applications and infrastructure. (All links on this page require a Datadog login to access.)

See Dashboard List in Datadog for a comprehensive list of available dashboards.

Vets-API Dashboard

This dashboard provides an overview of Vets-API, including the health and performance of the network, database, and deployments (pods).

Platform Monitors & Alerts Dashboard

This dashboard provides an overview of all Platform components and services, such as AWS infrastructure, e.g., Networking, Autoscaling groups (ASGs), load balancers (ELBs), storage volumes (EBS), and databases (RDS).

Platform Infrastructure (EKS) Dashboard

This dashboard provides an overview of Platform delivery infrastructure components built on Amazon’s Elastic Kubernetes Services (EKS), including pods, containers, stateful sets, replica sets, and more.

Forward Proxy Dashboard

This dashboard focuses on the forward proxy (fwdproxy), which acts as the MITM (man-in-the-middle) between Vets API and various external services. This is the egress for requests exiting from the Platform.

Other useful dashboards


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