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Flipper UI Access

Flipper UI is the web interface in vets-api for managing Feature Toggles. Access to the resources in each environment is controlled by GitHub Team-based OAuth in vets-api. This means that a user must have a GitHub account, be a member of the department-of-veterans-affairs org, and be added to the proper GitHub team. At the moment, we have two GitHub teams - one for Production, and one ALL lesser environments (Dev/Staging/Sandbox).

Vets-API Flipper UI GitHub Teams

Upon reaching the Flipper UI endpoints (below), an unauthenticated user will be prompted to sign in to GitHub, resulting in one of two outcomes:

  • An authenticated but unauthorized user (logged in, but not a member of the org or team) may view a read-only version of the page.

  • An authenticated and authorized user will be able to utilize all of the features within the UI.

Vets-API Flipper UI endpoints

Requesting Access

Please open a Flipper UI Access Request to be added to the GitHub Team

NOTE: Requests straight to the GitHub teams, without filling out a request first, will be denied.


Please contact the support team for any additional questions.

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