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Setting up your local frontend environment

A step-by-step guide to setting up the frontend environment locally.

Step 1: Set up Node

  1. Install nvm:

    Please follow instructions in the nvm documentation for installing this dependency.

  2. Install node 14.15.0 (this also installs npm):

    nvm install 14.15.0

  3. Configure nvm to use node 14.15.0 by default:

    nvm alias default 14.15.0

  4. Install yarn 1.19.1 globally:

    npm i -g yarn@1.19.1

  5. Verify correct versions of node and yarn are installed:

    node --version # 14.15.0
    yarn --version # 1.19.1

Step 2: Get the source code

Clone git repos as sibling directories:

git clone
git clone
git clone
git clone
git clone
git clone
git clone

Front end repos

  • vets-website: Core front end platform and application code

    • vagov-content: Markdown content used to generate static pages

    • content-build: Liquid templates and content build for static pages

    • veteran-facing-services-tools: Shared front end components (including non users) and front end documentation site

Back end repos

  • vets-api: Core Rails API server application code

    • vets-api-mockdata: Mock data used when running locally and on dev for the backend

Shared repos

  • vets-json-schema: Shared JSON Schema definitions used by form applications and the APIs that they consume

Step 3: Start up the front end


  1. Navigate to the vets-website repository, then install vets-website dependencies. See these common commands for more information.

    cd vets-website
    yarn install

  2. Build all applications for vets-website. Run this standard build script if you need all the CSS and JS generated for work in content-build.

    yarn build

    If you are only working in an Isolated application(s) (or do not need to build all applications), you can build one or more application(s) with the --entry option.

    yarn build --entry=static-pages,auth

  3. To get Intellisense in your IDE (autocomplete + cmd/ctrl-clicking on files) to work reliably, copy jsconfig-example.json to jsconfig.json and make adjustments in that file according to your project.

  4. Start the local development server for all applications. If you are applying CSS and/or JS changes to a static page/template that renders in content-build, we recommend leaving this command running so you will be able to see the changes in content-build.

    yarn watch

    Again, you can limit the watch to one or more application(s) with the --entry option.

    yarn watch --env entry=static-pages,auth

    The watch is complete when the CLI says Compiled successfully.

    If you would like webpack to open a browser window for you, please run yarn watch --open. We use Webpack DevServer to watch and serve the files locally; all the same options and documentation should apply.

  5. Open http://localhost:3001 in a browser if you are working on an app; otherwise, continue on to the content-build section for viewing changes in the browser.

You can learn more about building applications in the vets-website GitHub readme.


In order to run content-build, you must first generate the CSS and JS files within vets-website (follow steps above). If you don't, you will see a build error in the console instructing you to first generate files in vets-website. If you are applying CSS and/or JS changes to a static page/template that renders in content-build (like the homepage) you will need to run a watch in vet-website to view the updates. The CSS and JS files within vets-website are locally connected through a symlink in the build process.

If you don't need to locally view static pages and are just working on applications, you don't need to set this part up.

  1. Navigate to the content-build repository, then install dependencies via yarn.

    cd content-build
    yarn install

  2. Content-build steps requires an additional set up step due to code changes in the app. If building content from Drupal, it requires a one-time setup of a .env file to supply connection information.

    cp .env.example .env

  3. Build content-build. Make sure you configured the SOCKS proxy to fetch content from Drupal. For a faster installation, use step 4 first.

    yarn build

  4. If you do not have access to the SOCKS proxy, you can alternately fetch the latest cached version of the content.

    yarn fetch-drupal-cache

  5. Start the local development server.

    yarn watch

  6. The watch is complete when the CLI says Compiled successfully. If you just need a server running without watching the metalsmith files you can run npx http-server . -p 3002 inside /build/localhost to save some CPU.

  7. Open http://localhost:3002 in a browser.

Step 4: Backend and internal tools set up

Full backend support

Setting up the backend and internal tools allows local test account login and static content rendering.

  • Backend (vets-api) set up instructions.

    The local vets-website is configured to point to the vets-api backend at http://localhost:3000. Any website functionality that depends on the backend (i.e. login, save-in-progress, form submission, feature toggles) will require a locally running instance of vets-api.

  • To log in with a test account locally, see instructions for how to access in Staging

  • Internal tools setup instructions

    This proxy setup is required to access static content locally and to access to our reporting and monitoring tools. Running the yarn watch task with the SOCKS proxy active will automatically pull and cache the static content for vets-website.

Mock API setup

Running a mock API for local development: This option will mock specific backend endpoints, but it is not comprehensive. You can modify the file to mock specific endpoints and supply the data that you need to test locally.

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.