VFS Product Directory Term Glossary
This table covers what each field means in the product directory, what the associated data type is for the field, and what each entry in the field represents.
The product_id and product_name are required, while all other fields are optional.
Open Attributes
Field | Data Type | Definition |
product_name | String | Name given to the product by the product team. (Required) |
parent_product | String | When a product is a child of a larger encompassing parent directory, the parent name is supplied here. |
product_root_url | String | The live VA.gov link where the product is accessible in production. |
frontend_code_repository | String | Name of the front-end repository where the product code is based. |
backend_code_repository | String | Name of the back-end repository where the product code is based. |
other_code_repositories | Array | Names of the other repositories where product code is based. This could be utilities maintained for the product or other ancillary code that supports the product. |
github_product_label | String | The associated GitHub label to identify GitHub issues for this product. This label should be unique to this product. |
github_team_label | String | The associated GitHub label to identify the team with primary control over the product. |
contract_name | String | The contract that this product’s development is fulfilling. |
contract_end_date | String | The end date for the contract. |
va_gov_hub | String | The hub on VA.gov that the product is grouped under with other related products. |
owned | Boolean | A true or false declaring if the product currently has a team designated to maintain it. |
octo_crew | String | Name of the OCTO crew that the product team belongs to. |
octo_product_owner | String | Name of the OCTO product owner for this product. |
vfs_pm | String | Name of the PM for the team responsible for the product. |
business_owner | String | The organizational unit within the VA enterprise that is the primary stakeholder for a product. |
deployment_status | Boolean | Product’s current status, either |
launch_date | String | Date that this product launched into a production environment. |
product_outline | String | The full URL where the product outline can be found. |
documentation | String | The full URL where the principal product documentation is located. |
testrail_project_id | Integer | The TestRail project ID of the product. The user inputs the Testrail project URL and the script processing will extract the ID from the URL. This can only be populated if the TestRail project was set up in terms of the product and not the team. |
loa | Integer | The level of authorization required for a user to access this product. |
endpoints_provided | Array | A list of API endpoints that this product provides for other products to consume for data. |
endpoints_consumed | Array | A list of API endpoints that this product consumes for data, provided by other products or services. |
salesforce_categories | String | The category group in salesforce that corresponds to this product. |
analytics_category | String | The category group that labels this product for analytics to group like-products together. |
platform_console_category | String | Categorizes the product as either Apps, Forms, APIs & Systems, Profile, Content. These groupings are planned to be used in the platform console. |
Restricted Attributes
product_id | String | A unique identifier in the form of a UUID v4 that gives a constant value that will never change allowing reference to this product. (Required) |
path_to_code | String | The file path of where the product code is located in the Github repository. |
last_updated | DateTime | A timestamp from when the product was last modified. This is based on the last time new code was committed to GitHub for this product. This field is populated automatically. |
has_unit_tests | Boolean | True or false depending on if there are corresponding unit tests for the product. |
has_e2e_tests | Boolean | True or false depending on if there are corresponding end-to-end tests for the product. |
has_contract_tests | Boolean | True or false depending on if there are corresponding contract tests for the product. |
package_dependencies | Array | Comma-separated list of required package dependencies for the product. |
cross_product_dependencies | Array | A list of products that shows if the product depends on any other products to be able to run. |
features | Array | An array containing information about the feature. The information included is the name of the feature, the URL where it’s located, the date it launched, and what its current deployment status is (see launch date and deployment status definitions above). |
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