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VA Forms Library - How to validate a field based on values from another field

When working with forms, we might come across a scenario where we need to validate one field based on the value of another field. You can add ui:validationon any field or object in uiSchema, which allows you to validate groups of fields together.

Let us understand with the following form config example:

page1: {
  path: 'first-page',
  title: 'First Page',
  uiSchema: {
    email: {
      'ui:title': 'Email',
    confirmEmail: {
      'ui:title': 'Confirm email'
    'ui:validations': [
      (errors, field) => {
        if ( !== field.confirmEmail) {
          errors.confirmEmail.addError('Sorry, your emails must match');
  schema: {
    type: 'object',
    properties: {
      email: {
        type: 'string'
      confirmEmail: {
        type: 'string'

Since we moved the validation array up to the root of uiSchema, the field data is passed in an object containing both emailand confirmEmail, and we can set validation errors on either field.

Screen shot showing an example of an Email and Confirm email field, with an error message indicating that the email entries did not match

Confirmation Email validation error when email is set and confirmation email is blank.


See the VRE Form 28-8832 for a code example that contains email and confirmEmail validation.

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