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Sidekiq jobs

Note: For questions and support regarding Sidekiq jobs, request help from the Platform Backend Tools team in Slack.

This document outlines how you can monitor the activities of queued jobs in vets-api. The background jobs are processed via the Sidekiq gem.


In a Rails console, jobs can be inspected and manipulated with the Sidekiq API.


When running vets-api locally, http://localhost:3000/sidekiq will give you insight into jobs that are running locally. (You need to be running a local rails server in order to access this link.)

Deployed environments

Each environment supports the /sidekiq embedded endpoint. Access is controlled through Github Authentication/membership to respective Github Teams for each environment.

Vets-API Sidekiq UI endpoints

Sidekiq UI Access

Accessing Sidekiq UI

See Sidekiq UI Access for more information on gaining access to this feature

Once you have been added to the team, you will be able to navigate to the /sidekiq endpoint, sign in using your GitHub credentials, and authorize the application read-only access to your GitHub account.

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