Set up AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI) to use Multi-factor Authentication (MFA)
This document outlines how to configure the AWS CLI to work with MFA. If you encounter “Unauthorized” errors while attempting to use the AWS CLI, this may help.
Note: Make sure you have already set up your AWS account using these instructions.
The examples below were performed on Ubuntu
using jq
and may need to be adjusted for other operating systems or environments.
How to set up AWS CLI to use MFA
Get the ARN of your MFA device used with your AWS account
MFA_ARN=$(aws iam list-mfa-devices --query 'MFADevices[].SerialNumber' --output=text)
Make sure you have your MFA open to get the appropriate token
Note: The default token life is 12 hours. See note at the bottom of this page for Token Expiration Duration parameters.
aws sts get-session-token --serial-number "$MFA_ARN" --token-code <token_from_mfa> > ~/.aws/session_token.json
Set up environment secret variables for AWS CLI
jq -r '.Credentials | "AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID='\''" + .AccessKeyId + "'\''", "AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY='\''" + .SecretAccessKey + "'\''", "AWS_SESSION_TOKEN='\''" + .SessionToken + "'\''"' ~/.aws/session_token.json
This will produce output similar to this:
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID='<20 character long ID'
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY='<40 character long key>'
AWS_SESSION_TOKEN='<276 character long token>'
Use awk
to export
the variables in one line, wrapped up in an eval
eval "$(jq -r '.Credentials | "AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID='\''" + .AccessKeyId + "'\''", "AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY='\''" + .SecretAccessKey + "'\''", "AWS_SESSION_TOKEN='\''" + .SessionToken + "'\''"' ~/.aws/session_token.json | awk -v ORS=" " 'BEGIN{print "export"} {print}')"
Verify that you can perform AWS CLI commands
aws ec2 describe-instances --region us-gov-west-1
Token Expiration Duration: You can specify an expiration duration (in seconds) using the --duration-seconds option in the sts get-session-token command, where the value can range from 900 seconds (15 minutes) to 129600 seconds (36 hours). If you are using root user credentials, then the range is from 900 seconds (15 minutes) to 3600 seconds (1 hour).
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