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Report results in TestRail

After you’ve created a test plan, linked references, executed the test plan, and linked defects where appropriate; it’s time to report the results of your quality assurance testing efforts to stakeholders. TestRail provides many stock reports. This page will review the basic process for generating a report.

Before you begin

The reports available in TestRail are dependent on your activity in TestRail. So, you’ll need --

  1. One or more test plan(s)

  2. Test executions

  3. Links from your test cases to the GitHub issues that serve as reference material

  4. Links from the test executions that discovered defects to the GitHub issues you created as a result

Reporting results in TestRail

  1. Navigate to the Reports tab.

  2. Use the Create Report panel on the right to create the report that you desire.
    Summary --> Milestone is a good place to start.

    Create report in TestRail

    Create report in TestRail

  3. Enter a relevant name or leave the default which displays the report category with today's date appended.

  4. Scroll down to Access & Scheduling to select who can access the report. The report is a snapshot of the current state for your milestone.

    Report Access and Scheduling in TestRail

    Report Access & Scheduling

  5. Under the Report Options section, you may select a different time frame from the default (This week). Additionally, this section allows you to select a subset of the tests included in the milestone80- based on a filter.

  6. Click Add Report to generate the report now.

    Add Report in TestRail

    Add Report in TestRail

  7. After a short time the report will be available for viewing. Click on it to see the details!

    View TestRail report

    View TestRail report

Screen Capture Video Tutorial

This video tutorial shows how to report results in TestRail.

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