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Contributing to Projects

How to Contribute

There are many ways to contribute to this project:


If you spot a bug in the source code or a mistake in the documentation, let us know! File a GitHub Issue for this project.

When filing an issue, add the following:

  • Title: Sentence that summarizes the bug concisely

  • Comment:

    • The environment you experienced the bug (browser, browser version, kind of account any extensions enabled)

    • The exact steps you took that triggered the bug. Steps 1, 2, 3, etc.

    • The expected outcome

    • The actual outcome, including screen shot

    • (Bonus Points:) Animated GIF or video of the bug occurring

  • Label: Apply the label bug

Code Submissions

Due to team sprint prioritization, we are not always able to review community pull requests in a timely fashion. We ask that you file an issue so that we can work the fix into the work that our team is already doing. The best way to make sure that you don't waste your time is to file an Issue before beginning work on the code to verify if the team will have bandwidth to review and that it fits into a product prioritization (these are typically every 1 or 2 weeks).

What isn't open?

We track tasks separately from the publicly visible GitHub Issues in this repository to ensure that sensitive PHI/PII doesn't wind up in the wrong place. We strive to work in the open as much as possible, but the team has decided that doing this keeps folks safer and allows us to keep the code itself open to all.

With this said, please still file Issues for public contributions and reporting bugs. We still look here. ðŸ˜„

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.