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Breakers Outages for EKS Environments


This document details how breakers outages work in production in relation to the external services utilized by Vets API.


Breakers Gem

Breakers Dashboard (Move to Datadog currently in work. Link will be updated at a later time.)

Prepare to Run Rake Command

EKS Clusters (SOCKS PROXY required)

Dev Cluster

Staging Cluster

Sandbox Cluster

Production Cluster

  1. In the ArgoCD UI, go the desired environment cluster listed above.

  2. Click into any vets-api-web pod, e.g. vets-api-web-696bf8799-pgpfn

    Pointing to ArgoCD pods

    Pointing to ArgoCD pods

  3. Go to the terminal tab

    Image of terminal inside pod

    Image of terminal inside pod

The following commands can be successfully ran inside the terminal.

List the Available Services

bundle exec rake breakers:list_services


nonroot@vets-api-web-696bf8799-pgpfn:~$ RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake breakers:list_services
I, [2018-11-13T22:46:26.912071 #4133]  INFO -- sentry: ** [Raven] Raven 2.1.2 ready to catch errors
/srv/vets-api/src/config/initializers/redis.rb:4: warning: already initialized constant REDIS_CONFIG
/srv/vets-api/src/rakelib/connectivity.rake:11: warning: previous definition of REDIS_CONFIG was here
Available Services:
["AppealsStatus", "Rx", "BB", "EmisMilitaryInformation", "EmisPayment", "EmisVeteranStatus", "EVSS/Claims", "EVSS/Common", "EVSS/Documents", "EVSS/Letters", "EVSS/PCIUAddress", "EVSS/GiBillStatus", "VHA_Access_PWT", "VHA_Access_SHEP", "VIC2", "GI", "HCA", "MHVAcctCreation", "MVI", "Preneeds", "SM", "Vet360/ContactInformation", "Search/Results", "OKTA", "CentralMail"]

Force an Outage of an External Service

⚠️ Forced outages do not recover automatically and can only be stopped by calling end_forced_outage ⚠️

bundle exec rake breakers:begin_forced_outage service=<SERVICE_NAME>

End a Forced Outage of an External Service

bundle exec rake breakers:end_forced_outage service=<SERVICE_NAME>


nonroot@vets-api-web-696bf8799-pgpfn:~$ RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake breakers:end_forced_outage service=EVSS/Claims

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