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Synthesize and share

Once you’ve gathered data from your sessions, it’s time to make some sense of it. Synthesizing data and turning them into actional insights is important but hard. And what is an insight found without sharing it? Take the time to share your findings so everyone benefits.

Quick Resources

Synthesize data

It's best to conduct synthesis as soon as possible after finishing your research sessions when everything is fresh in folks' minds.

  • If you have a preferred way of doing synthesis: consider how you might involve remote team members in that process so they have buy-in to the outcomes.

  • If you do NOT have a preferred way of doing synthesis or want help, check with other designers on your contract.

  • If you have a tried and true method for doing synthesis, we encourage you to share it with other researchers.

Share your findings with colleagues

It's important to share what you've learned in your research, not just with your team but also with your design colleagues and stakeholders too. Many times what you learn can be helpful to other current and future projects. See the research checklist for more details.

The focus of your findings should be on the digital experience. When you learn about something that isn't digital experience related but could improve the lives of veterans, first share it with your PO. If it is actionable and you'd like to present your findings outside of your team or practice area, your PO should first discuss it with their portfolio lead.

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